Read on for four types of fitness explained. Health, wellness and weight management can be super confusing with all of the options we have to choose from for our nutrition and fitness. At times, so many choices can leave us with a crisis of confidence and we end up making the easiest choice…to do nothing at all.
For a long time, I thought of exercise as something I should do, but it always felt like a chore. One I didn’t like doing. Once you find something you like, your mindset does a little switch and you might even realize you like the way exercise makes you feel!
Exercise is about more than fitness. It’s about improving health and happiness!
Here are some of my favorite types of fitness explained. Which will you choose? If you are still not sure, start with some of my favorite stretches I shared in a recent article.
Depending on your needs and abilities, and after consulting your physician, look for the type of fitness activity that is best for you to reach your goals. Aerobic exercise, also known as cardio, can be low impact, high intensity, and of course, somewhere in the middle. Remember Sweatin’ to the Oldies?!
Cardio Fitness
Cardio workouts are probably the most familiar to us. From Jane Fonda and Olivia Newton John to racing against the clock on the treadmill, aerobic exercise is physical exercise of low to high intensity. A lot of fitness activities are cardio workouts, including HIIT, muscle building workouts and even yoga. It’s all about getting the heart rate up!
It is recommended that you exercise within 55 to 85 percent of your maximum heart rate for at least 20 to 30 minutes to get the best results from aerobic exercise. Your maximum heart rate is roughly calculated as 220 minus your age. That difference number is the upper limit of what your cardiovascular system can handle during physical activity. For instance, if you are 50 years old, your MHR would be 170. Learn more about what heart rate you want to work at when you exercise.
Aerobic activity requires fat to be used as a primary fuel source, with carbohydrates and protein being used to a smaller extent. Therefore, in order to lose fat, some amount of aerobic work will need to be done.
Common aerobic activities include running, walking, dance fitness and cycling. Aerobic exercises can reduce stress and tension, and increase mental well-being!

HIIT Fitness
HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training. HIIT workouts are intense cardio workouts that are more efficient for your time and they burn off the pounds faster, too. You will be working at your maximum heart rate for some of the time – in intervals.
The science is that intense exercise depletes the oxygen available to the muscles, forcing them to burn fat for energy. Sounds good, right?! Also, the body burns calories for hours after the workout ends to make up for the reduction in oxygen debt. LIIFT4 is a great program that combines HIIT with strength training.
Low Impact Fitness
When you’re new to working out, just getting back into the game, or have concerns with joints or injuries, low-impact cardio is a safe and effective method of exercise. Low-impact exercises focus on keeping one foot on the ground and alleviating stress or pressure on your joints.
Low-impact doesn’t have to mean low-intensity. Remember, you are in control of your fitness, so you can adjust at any time. Know your limits with any fitness activity you choose. Some great examples of low impact fitness are swimming, rowing, aerobics without a lot of jumping, cardio kickboxing, barre fitness and yoga.

Yoga Fitness
Yoga practice is both spiritual and physical. Yoga uses breathing techniques, exercise and meditation, and while you are working the body for sure, you are also working your mind. And, because there are so many different kinds of yoga practices, it is possible for anyone to start. The 3 Week Yoga Retreat is great for beginners!
Other physical benefits of yoga include increased flexibility, increased muscle strength and tone, improved respiration, energy and vitality, weight reduction, and improved athletic performance.