fitness support, nutrition help, get fit, mid life fitness, weight watchers, yoga fitness, health and fitness, weight loss, diet

Spring Into Summer – Health and Fitness Accountability


Let’s get to some spring cleaning together! Not around the house — I’m talking about spring cleaning your PHYSICAL AND EMOTIONAL! During the SPRING INTO SUMMER accountability group, I am inviting everyone that is ready to get a JUMP START on their summer body to join me to learn about and implement healthy eating habits, along with daily fitness to get ready for summer tank tops and shorts.

fitness support, nutrition help, get fit, mid life fitness, summer weight loss, weight watchers, yoga fitness, health and fitness, weight loss, diet

Here’s the Challenge:

The challenge will include daily fitness with a strong focus on GOOD NUTRITION for weight loss – that might be a struggle for some, but even those that are comfortable with working out quickly realize that success in the kitchen translates to better success overall. We can’t out-exercise a bad diet!! Over the past two years, I have learned a new way when it came to nutrition. I have mastered it for me and now I am ready to feed my family better too!


Have you opted for the convenience of processed foods and fast food for so long, you don’t even think twice before pulling through the drive through or grabbing sweet and salty snacks from the convenience store? That was so me!! Then, I woke up one day the year of my 45th birthday and realized that summer was close and I just had to say enough was enough. I had to learn to be healthier and fitter, not just for ME but also because I wanted my family to be healthy too. I decided to make a change and I joined a virtual challenge group because even though I wanted to be healthy I knew I really needed help. I had started and stopped so many times, I realized I needed someone or something to hold me accountable and teach me “how” to actually make it happen. I had wasted enough money trying to “go it alone” at the gym and pretty much exhausted all my excuses for not using the treadmill we have in our very own basement.

And – get this!! It has worked for me. Clean eating has become my new normal and my desire to eat junk food has diminished. I have learned that healthy foods are delicious and easy to prepare and that 30 minutes of exercise a day actually make me a lot less stressed, which means less “crazy mom” times.

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I drank Shakeology daily during the group and discovered there were huge benefits!! It actually made me feel better. I stopped craving junk foods – no more candy impulse buys at the market – and I noticed a better regularity to my digestion. I never realized how much I was lacking in vitamins and minerals until I started to add them in from Shakeology. Shakeology helped make my skin glow and hair and nails became stronger and grew faster . While I will admit I was so skeptical at first, I have hardly missed a day since I started drinking it. It’s worth every penny to me. Shakeology saves me more than calories – now I’m not wasting money on muffins or processed morning breakfast bars that don’t give me the nutrients my body needs.

Let’s do this!

During the month of April we will Spring Into Summer with a focus on fitness and food for physical and emotional health. I want to share with you that nutrition is THE POWER TOOL for taking back your life and creating new habits to live longer, get stronger and FEEL GREAT.


Not only will I be sharing with you how to MEAL PLAN, but also how you can fall in love with HEALTHY eating. You will NOT feel like you are on any type of diet. You will NOT feel deprived. In fact, by the end of the challenge you won’t even want to return back to your old ways. I will teach you how to manage portion control, food groups and step-by-step tips for getting organized for SUCCESS.
In addition to our focus on food,  I will also help you to select a fitness program that best suits your abilities and goals. After we pick a program you will be added into the challenge group for support and accountability. It’s easy to buy a fitness program with good intentions, but it’s hard to stick with it. Your program will NOT sit on the shelf collecting dust this time! Having a coach and a support group is the piece of the puzzle that so many are missing. I find those who commit go “ALL IN” as a challenger are the ones who get the best results. I can speak from personal experience on that!

Fill out the application below (or click here) to get started on your journey to OWN YOUR LIFE through good nutrition and daily fitness.  There are a limited number of spots so apply quickly to be considered. We will begin on Monday, March 25th, 2018.

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