Kickstart 2016!

FullSizeRender(3)I am super excited for the new year! Every year at this time I make a resolution list. For me it’s more of a “things I want to do” or “things I want to learn”. Hmmm, I still have to learn to whistle loud with my fingers from the 2015 list!! I still have time!

In all seriousness, the top resolution is always lose weight or get fit. The same is true for me. Every year, I plan to start my fitness regimen around St. Patrick’s day to be ready for summer. But you know what? It’s not that easy for me anymore. I’m over 40 and what they say about the Compound Effect is true. You can’t put on a pound here or an inch there every year and then take it ALL off in a couple of months. Maybe you, like me and many others, are thinking about joining a gym – or actually going to the gym that you belong to:) Or, you’re thinking about counting your calories and tracking your activity with a wearable and an app? Been THERE. Done THAT.

This past spring, in May, I found the program that works! It works for people of all ages and all sizes. My absolute favorite programs are the 21 Day Fix or 21 Day Fix Extreme. Both of the programs come with an easy to follow meal guide, portion control containers, 7 different 30 minute daily workouts, and free coaching with me! I was hesitant – I mean workout at home? Where all my snacks are located?? How could that work?

I have learned that a healthy lifestyle follows an 80/20 rule. 80% of this is nutrition and 20% is exercise. What I needed was someone to tell me what to do and hold me accountable when I felt like quitting. Starting a new fitness routine is fun but then the excitement wears off and that’s when you really need someone to push you. The key is the support from a coach – that’s ME! If you’ve been following my posts on social media at all, you’ll know that I have been successful with the program and have been working with others on their health and fitness journey.

That is what I am offering to YOU! I am offering to push you even when you don’t feel like it. I am willing to teach you how to live differently and I am willing to support you for as long as it takes. You see this lifestyle I am going to show you takes practice, persistence and lots of support. Let ME be that person for YOU.


If you are looking to KICKSTART 2016, let me be your biggest fan and motivator to help you start the New Year off on a different foot, please fill out the application below. I will be in touch within 24 hours. We start on Monday January 4, 2016. I hope you will consider joining me for something new!!