Clean Eating 101





What if you could ditch the quick fixes, stay consistent with a healthy lifestyle for the first time in your life, and most importantly, FEEL GREAT about it!

“Clean eating” is a vague term, especially in a diet industry that preaches quick fixes, juice cleanses, keto, paleo, mediterranean, South Beach, and every other quick fix under the sun. Does “eating clean” mean avoiding all carbs? Literally cleaning your produce before eating? More healthy fats? Are fats even healthy?

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Believe me, I was just as confused as you are. I was tired of chasing every diet fad & trend and feeling defeated when I didn’t see the results on the scale or my waistline. What is even true about food? I thought I knew what basic healthy living was, so why wasn’t it working for me? I took a step back and reevaluated my mindset. I was impatient and didn’t stick with anything long term, sound familiar?


When I finally blocked out the constant noise from the diet industry, took things slow by removing the unrealistic standards I had for myself, and focused on real fact-based nutrition, that is when I saw the change I wanted. It felt like I was finally starting from a clean slate. I understood that this was going to be MY unique journey so I shouldn’t bother comparing it to others’ standards of what healthy living looks like.

Good Things Take Time

Good things take time. Think of your future body and lifestyle like a garden. It starts small...

  1. You plant seeds.
  2. You take care of them daily and nourish with sunshine and water.
  3. Even though you can’t see it happening, those seeds take root. #trusttheprocess
  4. Finally, evidence of your hard work pokes up through the soil, and momentum starts to build.
  5. With each and every day, you see & feel change, results are blossoming, and you get awarded with the beautiful end result. Your confidence will build in this process; confident about food choices that make sense for your body.

You can feel better than ever before!

Your health is no different, and during my 30-day Clean Eating 101 course, I will teach you how to plant quality seeds that will reap the most bountiful harvest. The catch? It’s sure not an overnight quick fix. 

With effort and patience with yourself, I promise it will pay off.

Skip to the Syllabus

"Michelle is a wonderful support system! She has been there for me every step of the way. She’s encouraging and helps pick me up on my toughest days. She is awesome to work with."

Kate G, Special Education Teacher, Mom of Two

"After I made the switch to clean eating, I have more energy, food tastes better, my weight is down and I feel great overall."

Jenny, Health Care Provider, Mom of Two

Learn to Eat Clean

In this 4-week course, you get two video lessons per week and a little homework to do with each lesson. I know you’re busy but you also want to make this a priority, so that is why I’m not going to overwhelm you with an overload of information on day 1.



Just say YES! Then, say NO MORE to constantly starting over again and again and still never getting the results you truly deserve! You have to learn that you can control how you feel by the food you eat.

It's time to put an end to the constant battle of what to eat and what not to eat.

Finally DITCH THE DIET CYCLE for good. 

Clean eating takes practice to unlearn the habits of the past. In this 30 day course, you will learn tips to save time, gain confidence in the kitchen, and say goodbye to the food guilt you've felt in the past!





[set your mindset]

MIND over matter!! I bet you already know a lot about what you SHOULD be doing when it comes to food... But, are you doing it? In order to get anything accomplished, we have to start with figuring out WHY you are doing it. It's time to - DIG IN and get your MIND SET for success.


[get to know food]

uh-oh!  Have you heard? We are what we eat. 😳 Would you like to see the last few indulgences looking back at you from the mirror? Is that what's happening? Get all the facts about the food groups and learn to make wiser choices when you're filling your plate.


[clear up misconceptions]

Just say no to the passive approach to your eating. NO MORE of the 'Take it as it comes', 'enjoy now, work it off later' - attitude!

Which is it? Eat less, eat more, low fat, low carb, all meat, no meat? Clear up the confusion and figure out what works for you! Finally - NO MORE QUICK FIXES.


[plan to succeed]

How to plan meals for success using what you have learned about food. 10 Recipes to get you started. Food groups at every meal. Food planning, snacks and meals. 


[shop and prep]

It's time to take ACTION. You have your recipes, your plan and your list. Go on a grocery tour and then set up for pre-prepping for those healthy recipes.


Team Up With Me & Learn to Eat Clean

I help my ladies begin the journey to build enduring confidence about healthy nutrition. I will show you that you no longer have to buy into systems that serves the masses, when what you really need is a system of your own. During Clean Eating 101, you will learn a few keystone habits that will set you up for nutrition success and a long term healthy lifestyle to feel great from the inside out.

Frequently Asked Questions

To put it simply, those are diets and this is not. Clean eating is making mindful, educated food choices rather than cutting out entire food groups and putting strict restrictions around what you can eat. Clean eating is much more lifestyle-friendly than all of those diets.

When you join this course, you also get me as your personal coach to walk you through the process. If I had to guess, you weren’t working with a coach when you tried those other plans. I will be there to answer your questions, provide accountability, and guide you along the way, making sure this is the time you finally follow through.

The course itself will not take up more than XX hours per week over the span of one month. However, your results will take more time. Your results will require commitment outside of the course, taking action right away and putting your knowledge into practice. Patience is required to see those results, but I promise it will be worth it. If you are naturally an impatient person, this will be an exercise for both your mind and body.

You get lifetime access to the course!


don't miss out - learn to eat & feel great